Online driving Licence: The steps to follow

While in the past, simply applying for a driver's license was a real ordeal for some people, as they had to stand in line for hours just to fill out a form, in today's digital age, it's easy. It is now possible to apply online on the ANTS website. ANTS or Agence Nationale des Tires Sécurisés is a government administrative service responsible for issuing identity cards, vehicle registration cards, passports and driving licences. What are the conditions for obtaining a driving licence? What are the necessary steps to apply for a driving license online? What are the steps to follow for this process?

Conditions for obtaining a driving license

A driver's licence is mandatory for most vehicles on public roads. It is issued to any candidate who has successfully passed the examinations required to obtain it. The driving licence must therefore be valid for the entire period of its use. Driving without a licence after it has been withdrawn is liable to a fine in addition to possible immobilisation of the vehicle. To obtain a licence, you must be at least 16 years old, especially for an A1 and B1 licence. The others are accessible to any person over 18 years of age, but it is also possible to obtain a licence from the age of 17. In France, it is possible to go through a driving school to obtain your driving licence, whatever the vehicle to be driven, be it a car, a motorbike or even a boat, but it is also possible to take the tests as a free candidate. More information will be available on

The steps to follow for an online driving licence

You must pass two tests to be able to take your licence: the highway code test or theoretical test and the driving test or technical and practical test. After passing these tests, the driving school will receive a driver's licence examination certificate and send it to the applicant. A certificate that can be used as a provisional driver's licence during the four months that the driver's licence will be mailed directly to the applicant. However, if the candidate takes the steps for the licence himself, it is possible to apply online on the website of the National Agency for Secured Titles. All the necessary documents, including the said certificate, proof of identity and domicile, a digital identity photo code and the e-mail address or mobile phone number must be scanned and sent with the application. These documents should enable ANTS to collect the data to be entered on the applicant's new driving licence.

How to apply for a driver's licence online?

The other steps for the driving license or any other request for renewal of a license following a suspension, theft, loss, deterioration, expiration of the validity period of a driving license can also be done online today as detailed on Auto Démarches. To do so, nothing could be simpler. As with any registration on almost all websites nowadays, all you have to do is go to the ANTS site and create an account and then fill in your personal data, in particular the photograph and signature that will appear on the licence. The steps will be done in a few steps.

Steps to follow for an online application

The first is to provide the mandatory supporting documents and to register on the site. In the case of a renewal following a loss or theft, it will be necessary to provide a certificate, or a medical opinion issued by an approved doctor, a declaration of loss provided by the police, previously scanned. The second will necessarily involve filling in a form and validating the request. An email will then be sent to you to confirm your registration. The site will then redirect you to the online payment of the permit. You will have to pay the stamp duty by buying a tax stamp online. To track the status of the application, it is now possible to do so online through the ANTS account. The driving licence will be issued within 6 to 8 weeks after the application. Applicants will receive their new online driver's license directly by mail in the case of a first application or a renewal following a flight. But for other cases, it is necessary to go to the prefecture to collect the new driving licence.

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